Office 2010 impressions

I just went through the upgrade to Office 2010 - what a journey but it seems worth it so far.

  • Downloaded x86 and 64 versions last night
  • looking forward to install!
  • Tried to set restore point on work machine - policy lock out! (Really???)
  • Start install and wait... stopped and told need SP3
  • Mad hunt on M$ site for SP3 (really about 1 minute) since not a corp distro
  • found and downloading.......... still downloading .........
  • now extracting.............................................
  • Now installing.............................................
  • REALLY!!! ok - I'm patient and I can multi task to get my mind on something useful
  • So the install of SP3 took a very long time and I picked up the rest of the install the following day in the office while I went to another meeting - I did a full upgrade install.
  • Install completed (finally!!)
The result is a nice office experience that seems to work well. I a very pleased with Outlook and the search / threaded discussion capability. The other apps work as expected with tweaks here and there. I am going to upgrade my home machine next and that's a 64 bit machine with 6G of ram so it will be a good comparison to the 32 bit laptop install.

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