diaspora - the new Facebook?

I use Facebook, blogs (clearly) and other social networking tools and am always interested in what's next as well as what's happening with what I have. With all the recent hoopla around Facebook privacy (subject of a coming post) it's good to see alternatives popping up that MAY get legs. I just got plugged into diaspora, described in their own words here:

What is it?

Enter your Diaspora “seed,” a personal web server that stores all of your information and shares it with your friends. Diaspora knows how to securely share (using GPG) your pictures, videos, and more. When you have a Diaspora seed of your own, you own your social graph, you have access to your information however you want, whenever you want, and you have full control of your online identity. Once we have built a solid foundation, we will make Diaspora easy to extend to facilitate any type of communication, and the possibilities will be endless.
For a little more detailed explanation, checkout this blog post.

I'm not sure how far these guys will get with this idea but conceptually it's cool and not entirely new (napster anyone?). Good luck and I'm signing up to the blog to stay informed.

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