Take a screen shot with the iPad 2

As I am preparing a series of posts on the iPad I figured a quick one on how to do a screen shot would be a help for some.

To make a screen shot, you need to use the sleep / wake button at the top right corner of the iPad and the home button at the bottom center as shown below.

You will press the sleep / wake button and then home button at the bottom center.


When you do this key combo, you will hear an audible click and the screen shot will be captured to your camera role. Once it is there, you can do whatever you want with it, including copy it over to your desktop as needed by plugging in the iPad and mounting it as a drive.

A first screen shot I recommend is one that uses your notepad, or similar app to create a “return if found” screen shot that you then set as your lock screen wall paper. Put your name, phone number and email on the screen and ensure that it shows up clearly in the screen shot.

That gives anyone who may pick up your device the opportunity to identify the owner and get it back to you quickly. (assuming of course, good intent!). This leads to an additional comment to consider, which is the “find my iPad” option you should enable to allow remote location and wipe if needed, but more on that later.

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