Blogger outage continues

I have noticed my posts seem to have disappeared, as mentioned would happen in the blogger status update, but then they still appear to be showing up and going away.

I have had some posts available, then hours later, while visible in search, are not there when clicked on.

According to        

Friday, May 13, 2011

Blogger is back now. We're still working on restoring some of the data. For more details, see this post:

Posted by Chang at 10:32 PDT

Following the included link in that post, we get this bit of update.

Update (5/14 5:37 PM PST): We're making progress restoring comments, some blogs with a lot of content are taking a little more time. Thanks for bearing with us.

Summary – if you are looking for content on this blog that you expect to find, especially recent posts, please be patient while Google figures out how it screwed things up and works to make it right. It will be forthcoming. Feel free to reach out directly to me as well since I often have offline copies of posts in my blogging editor.

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