A quote widely credited to Martin Luther King Jr. sums up the situation well. He says, “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. “
I posted a bit ago with a video from a guy by the name of Francis Chan. His talk was titled “Lukewarm and Loving it”. Pondering that thought, and thinking about personal growth, both in the spiritual discovery sense, and also the character development and impact aspect, I am forced more and more into reflection on the importance of passionate engagement.
It’s so easy to go through life without really questioning why or what could be. How should I really make a difference, not just for me, but for others. If your faith is such that you say you believe in God, that’s a pretty profound statement to make if you are not seeking a purpose and life impact there. Regardless of your faith, life with a purpose is so powerful, but so much more effort than the easy and safe alternative.
I am generally a guy who finds passion in almost anything I engage in, just ask my clients and colleagues – it is something I am known for. Where I lack in this area, is a more constant “Life Passion” or direction that governs all others. (passions not people, not working on world domination just yet).
I am looking for that passion in my Faith in an exploration of what that means and how that could / should impact my life. It is an interesting and challenging exercise, that is worth undertaking for anyone regardless of where / what faith is your starting point. If you claim one, figure it out. If not, figure out what does matter and why, then how that should drive your life. As I type these words, I have to acknowledge that it is a lot easier to say than live out!
I will post more reflections on this topic as time goes on, with my particular direction coming from a “Christian” viewpoint – air quotes intentional since that is such an abused and loaded word.
Good stuff to think about – lot’s of room to grow and make an impact for a better world with real effort. I’d like to think I’m up for it.
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