May you live in interesting times...

Life in the King household has been interesting of late! A flareup of the nagging illness, little Tommy has Pneumonia (but is recovering slowly), work is chaos and I am banking on a layoff in the near future. Through it all, things are pretty good despite the normal drama added by having teens in the house.

We cut down a bunch of trees today banking the wood against the cold winter days and colder nights. Jimmy will have a good time splitting wood for a while. :) Thanks for your help Jimmy. Ben came over to help and dropped off the splitter, Jeremy and Neil both stopped by to cut in exchange for wood and we got more done then planned.

Neil cut the stump from one of the larger trees into a toilet and was so excited about getting a photo taken with the paper on the tree toilet. I will post one if I remember. I have spent the balance of the last two weeks on the road, preparing for travel, or recovering from travel - it looks like that is the future, short and long term. The upcoming layoff / job situation will drive a bit of that I am sure. More to come on all fronts.

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