Pleased with the results

We had a good meeting with Pfizer today. The team was good and seemed genuinely interested in fully understanding the landscape at Wyeth. The repeatedly stated concern was that they capture sufficient detail to not leave any business users in the lurch when things went down. All in all, despite the building and meeting room shuffle, it was a productive visit. I am sure there will be many more, across many more areas, to get things fully sorted out but the process seems to be on track so far.

The announcements on organization today were also an interesting step – it looks like the executive level will get some Wyeth participation in the new organization. While the roles named were all key business folks, I think they reflect a desire to maintain the talent that lead to the acquisition in the first place. Perhaps that’s my eternal optimism surfacing again, but either way, I am feeling upbeat about the process.

The looming specter of the 20,000 projected layoffs is certainly on most everyone's mind as we go into this process, but the best way through is to focus on the solutions and while planning for the worst, look for the best. The drain of worry can become a self fulfilling prophecy if you allow it. - no extra charge for that bit of advice ;)

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