Still testing - waiting on Tommy

I finished the first of the (I hope) last 2 tests needed to make the decision on the transplant. I am hoping to take care of the last one this week, based on things with little Tommy. I just heard from his dr. and he is still not on the growth curve. I am planning to call back today to see what our options are as the voice mail from the nurse was not very helpful. If he is tracking to his own curve, but below the main curve, that should be ok. The concern is if he is not on a curve, which is where he was a month ago. Either way, a decision will be made soon and if it is the tube, we start Wednesday at Childrens Hospital. The pricing is sort of a la cart in that it breaks out for the food, hardware and help. On the bad side - it is crazy expensive, on the bright side, we sure will hit our deductible quick, even thought it's huge. They want to do a liver biopsy if things do not straighten out there, but his white cell counts were ok so far. More to come...

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