So - big surprise here, Tommy seems to not like having a tube stuck down his nose and taped to his face. He has pulled it out a couple of days running despite loads of creative tape work. The bright side is that he seems to like to do this in the morning which leaves an entire day free of worrying about the tube and tape! The downside is it means the bedtime routine is a little rougher as we have to stick a tube up his nose as a first step to bed time - never high on anyone's list of things to do I wouldn't think.
The valves on the tubing also get loose VERY quickly - despite taping them, we have also had 2 blowouts from them which makes a mess and sort of defeats the purpose of pumping it in... We are getting the hang of it despite these minor setbacks and working with the home care nurse on alternate strategies. Lifes a journey all about learning, right? I have to say - right now, I am as tired as I have been in a long time and I am sure Jess is right there with me, but all in all, things are still good. Tommy is doing great and so mobile. It is fun watching the little ones interact and play all the time - we are so very blessed to have such great kids.
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