life happens...

I am hoping to start feeling better soon - I got some kind of upper respiratory thing that has also settled in my chest. I have been fighting it for a week now so it will hopefully have run its course by tomorrow.

This morning Adrienne greeted me with a little surprise of her own, or maybe better said, a pile of little surprises in her crib. Seems we did not make it to her room in a timely fashion so she took it upon herself to strip her diaper and toss it over board for the sharks to snack on while she hoarded the contents, and seemed to be pondering the physics of poo while running various experiments on physical manipulation of leftovers. It's one of those briefly paralyzing moments when you wonder where to start and what is safe to touch. After a good scrubbing and laundry, things are back under control and she is right now sitting on my lap as I type this.

Ahh, the joys of parenting never end. At least they make up for the gross bits by being so wonderful at other times!


  1. That is (I'm sure quite normal and) disgusting! :-)

  2. kids are always full of surprises! The types change over time, but are no less challenging.
