Mounting Virtual Drives in Vista

As a long time MSDN subscriber, I regularly pull down iso files for installations on one or another of my machines - though maybe less regularly now then previously as evidenced by the fact that I just hit this particular wall on my vista desktop. Using the VCD utility and mounting the driver JIT worked great until I tried it on my vista box, where it would not load the driver. Rather then spend too much time working on a deep level solution, I turned to the net as I have deadlines to meet :)

I was happy to find a new and also free solution that works even better in Virtual Clone Drive.

Happily after install, it works like a charm and maked iso use very simple with a file association.

Linked Data

The concept of linked data is not new, but is finally hitting the tipping point for implementation where thought leaders, technology, and business drivers are coming together to bring it from theory to reality. Tim Berners-Lee gave a great talk on this topic at a TED conference. Check it out here.

I was moderating a talk at the recent AAPS conference in Seattle and one of my panelists was Randy Julian, from Indigo Biosystems. He focused his talk on the value of linked data in the pharma research space and how it can revolutionize the collaboration process. I very much enjoyed the talk and our subsequent, but brief conversation. We agreed to talk more and I had to bolt as I had meetings with Microsoft and had to catch a plane for Europe to speak at another conference. Things continued to come together with the meeting at Microsoft. While the discussion was brief, it centered around the Amalga platform and the underlying technology. The aim is very similar, in that it looks at data at the atomic level with appropriate meta data for context and just in time reassembly as needed, inferring relationships automatically. The implications for predictive and retrospective automated analysis are huge.

Later that week, I spoke at a conference in Budapest and caught a talk with Nico Adams, from Cambridge University in the UK. He talked about the Semantic Web and how it applies to the research area. We later had dinner with the larger group and talked a bit more. It is encouraging to me to see the synergy across the world, and it points to the critical mass that is building around this topic.

Roo in technicolor

Beach bird

Adobe Photoshop CS support for NEF

Surprisingly, Photoshop CS4 does not support the RAW format from Nikon out of the box. I did discover that if you update the RAW converter here, you can then open and edit the NEF files.

One minor note on that topic - I had to manually copy the plug in to each of the plug in directories, for both 64 bit and 32 bit and restart to get it working, the install did not do it alone.

Vacation at the the Jersey Shore

We are on vacation at the Jersey shore in Sea Isle, enjoying the beach house and relaxing a bit. Of course, with 5 - 7 kids running around, relaxing is a relative term, but the sea breezes and sun help, as well as occasional visits from the Captain and crew ;). We are looking forward to the fireworks tomorrow night and then heading home Sunday night. vac