An RSS Tutorial for mortals

I've been asked more than once to explain this "RSS Thing" to friends and family since it has become prevalent across the web. I ran across a nice tutorial that explains it a little better then I was doing, from a guy in Australia, formerly of Baltimore. Check it out and tell me if you like it.

Make a difference with micro-loans

If you are looking for a way to have a direct impact on someone's life in a developing region, this could be your ticket. It is a pretty fascinating market segment for the financial industry. What I have read so far looks great and there are a few ways to get involved.

The basic idea is that loans are provided to entrepreneurs in developing countries at roughly 3% interest over 3-5 years on average. These loans are generally in the range of a couple or few hundred dollars and from what I have seen so far have a 98% payback rate. That's better then most "safe" investments and you are directly helping someone make a huge difference in their lives.

If you give it a go, let me know how you make out and who you help. Check out this blog entry at Bust a Change to see where I first read about this.

Tattoo Technology

Who would have thought - technology invades the ink parlor. Check out this blog entry, it details a new 3D process a designer came up with.

I am not sure that I like this idea - some of the process is in the unknown I think. Of course, you still have the fact that a human artist is actually laying down the ink regardless of what the computer model shows, still, I think something is lost.

Just in case 3D ink models are not enough - they now have removable ink made with micro beads that dissolve with one laser pass for those who want a "semi-permanent" tattoo. What is this, hair coloring?

What are your gifts?

Ephesians 4:11-13 (NIV)
11 It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, 12 to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Reading this, I think it clear that this is not a one time ancient event, rather an ongoing thing happening to all of us as believers. The challenge we have, is to identify the gifts we have been given, and then to use them effectively in ministry to God. What does he need from me? From you?

I think that at the day of reckoning, we will be given a chance to look back on the gifts we have been given and explain just how we used what we were given. I want my report to be a positive one, but I seem to stumble on applying my gifts. Maybe I need to work a little harder on identifying ways to be used by God, or better still, ask Him to help me see.

How about you? What is your gift? Are you using it for Him

CSS and clean HTML

While playing around with CSS, I have found that tagging content and page elements has taken on a whole new importance. Look at sites like the CSS Zen Garden to see just how powerful this concept is. A great little reference to help you get started with HTML layout can be found at

He has much more content to explore that will give you tips & tricks to use with your CSS work.

Photoshop Brushes

I really have to get rid of my stumble! toolbar - while it provides some great links it sure can suck up time. I ran across a link to a collection of Photoshop brushes that are vary neat. Check them out at

Who are we modeling?

What have we collectively made Christianity into that we have strayed so far from our model? Jesus gave us an example in Himself that we can follow. It is not a complex book of rules, rather a very basic directive to love others as yourself. What have we done that the words of Gandhi ring so true?

I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ - Mahatma Gandhi

I would posit that we have lost the simple message because we can't accept the idea that it is not of ourselves that we attain heaven. We make it about the doing, rather than the being. In making it about the doing, we loose the real message of love. It is easier to check items off a list than it is to live a life dedicated to showing a Christ-like love.

Galatians 5:14 (NIV)
The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

I am challenged by this thought, because to live a life based on demonstrating Christ's love is a far greater challenge than any set of rules.

Trapped by faith and guilt

Recently, while talking to a close friend of mine I was reminded of how powerful a weapon set faith and guilt can be against a person. Growing up in a fundamentalist church, I heard repeatedly that we just have to trust God and He will heal someone, or - "oh that poor soul, if they would only really trust God, they would be free of their mental illness / addiction / disease."

This theory fails to take into account the mixed blessing of free will. God created us as independent beings, free to make our own choices and follow our own paths. He does have a divine plan in which we all play a role, however we are free to muck about with our lives as we see fit, for the most part. The result of this, also called "our fallen state" in churchese, is that God won't fix everything.

Mental illness, disease, addictions, these are a result of the choices we have made as a human race. We have created the mess we live in and we own that. It is a shared blame on humanity, not God. That being said, He is willing and able to see us through challenges, but that does not mean that He will remove the challenge. There is a huge difference between deliverance from adversity and serenity through the adversity. God's power shines the brightest when we are willing to accept the challenges in our path and reflect His grace and peace through and despite the challenges.

The trap mentioned previously comes when we forget that bit of truth and think that there is a level of holiness that can be attained that is sufficient to prevent any ill befalling us. This cross thinking results in guilt for all adversity since it must be our spiritual shortcoming that lead us there.

more on this later ....